The Alleynian 712 2024

Staff editor Jo Akrill Student editors Henry Gooderham Alexandros Hall Student team Rufus Angel, Elliot Coulson, Rhydian Evans, Alex Gerasimchuk, Peter Heller, Aristou Meehan, Wilf Patten, Calum Skinner and Eddie Wesson Student photographer Dorian Todd-Miller Assistant staff editors Nina Firkin and Elliot Read Staff section editors Art: Mary Jo Doherty and Georgia Mackie Drama: Kathryn Norton-Smith Music: Lesley Larkum Sport: Jimmy Davies Valete: Jack Seymour Photography The Alleynian features photographs by students, staff and professional photographers. We would like to thank all those whose photographs appear in this edition. The Drama section includes images by Nick Wright ( Wonderland ) , Fred Robb OA ( Finding the Folio and Upper School House Drama) Leah Taylor ( The Odyssey ), Eva Kraljevic, and Eddie Loodmer-Elliott. Cover image: Chromophobia , Charlie Wood (Yr 13) Design and layout Paula Larsson Proof-reader and subeditor Frances Button Printing Empress Litho The Alleynian team would like to thank everyone who made putting together this year’s edition so enjoyable and rewarding. Special thanks go to Joseph Spence, Fiona Angel, Jane Scott, Natalie Harzic, Deborah Field and Calista Lucy, and we would also wish to acknowledge the support of staff and students throughout the College who have contributed text and images to this Alleynian , or answered what might, at times, have felt like an unending barrage of queries and requests. Thank you for your hard work, patience and good humour!


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