The Alleynian 712 2024

it’s been good, and I don’t think I would be comfortable enough, as you said, writing an Alleynian article unless I felt supported. FA: And I think that’s the thing, Aristou. I think people tend to catastrophise what it would be like to be out, which is completely understandable, but being your hon- est, true self has always got to be better than hiding who and what you are, don’t you think? AM: Definitely. FA: I think, just be honest with yourself. But also every- one has to take things at their own pace and it’s all part of growing up. Sometimes you go down a road and it turns out not to be your road, but nothing has to be defin- itive, does it, or forever, necessarily? So, I just think it’s part of growing up: questioning who we are. AM: Thank you so much, and thank you for your time, I think that’s a good place to end. ◉

THE HAND Calum Skinner (Year 12)

The hand is many things. When it is raised to strike another, it speaks of violence. When a mother runs hers through her child’s hair, it shows a bond. When it is clasped in another’s hand, it is a symbol of unity. It is also a tool: a weapon, or an extension of a kind will. But in life, it moves. It moves with the body, until death stops it.

We reach out our hands towards the light at the end of the tunnel, and keep moving towards that dream.



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