The Alleynian 712 2024

Freedom to me is something that I try to vigilantly remember that I am very fortunate to enjoy. I believe it is too easy to fall into taking it for granted and I think we should all be proactive in trying to keep in mind that not everyone enjoys the same freedoms as ourselves. Mr Hawes trapped in a cave, locked in jail, stuck in an iron lung, but still be ‘free’ if you can think freely, imagining the limitless possibility of existence and the universe. Dr Griffiths Freedom, for me, starts with a sense of mind, thought and being that has no boundaries. You could be Freedom for me is the right for every human being to live as happily as possible. To be able to have regular free, unimpeded voting. To share common values, purpose and aspirations with small government and low taxation. To live a sustainable life with a clear fo- cus on service for the betterment of society and order. To be able to learn from an unimpeded view of history and expect to have the future fashioned by a clear understanding and appreciation of both the past and present. To draw inspiration from different cultures, the arts and engineering, and to refocus the human relationship with nature and the planet. Mr Mayo

Artwork by Jake Thurgood (Year 8)


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