The Alleynian 712 2024

submissions. Transcending conventional boundaries, the exhibition featured a spectrum of artistic mediums encompassing painting, drawing and sculpture, alongside experimental mixed-media installation, video art and 3D virtual environments using Blender software. Monu- mentally constructed sculptures and intricate drawings punctuated the space, challenging viewers to perceive art in opposing dimensions, while an expanding repertoire of dynamic video-based art added layers of sensory experience. The Year 12 foundation art experience culminated in a thought-provoking exhibition ‘Breathing Space’, exploring personal stories and themes. Enclosed within individual cubicles, the exhibition offered 12 distinct stories touching on hidden identities, spirituality and human connection. From refined ceramic forms to precarious site-specific installations, the diverse range of questioning outcomes provided a multi-sensory tapestry for exploration, inviting visitors to delve into the students’ behind-the-scenes creative process. ‘Factory’, the culmination of four terms’ worth of work by our Year 13 cohort, presented a compelling exploration of experimental sculpture and inventive video art, blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital realms. It was here that the combined impact of sculpture and video art could be truly felt. Interactive ceramic and wood constructions alongside multi-channel projections using Blender and video created an atmospheric and envel- oping experience, challenging viewers to expand their appreciation of contemporary art forms. The noticeable shift towards sculpture as a prominent form of artistic expression at the College reflects a broader recognition of its vital role in creating long-lasting artistic development through lived experience. Sculpture offers distinct advantages, fostering critical thinking, prob- lem-solving, and spatial awareness skills, which are valu- able across disciplines such as mathematics, engineering and architecture. Meanwhile, video art incorporates elements of interactivity, inviting students and viewers to engage with the artwork in a participatory manner. This interactive aspect can create immersive and engaging experiences for viewers, breaking down the traditional barriers between the artwork and the audience. Through editing techniques, montage and sequencing, artists can manipulate time and space, creating non-linear narratives or abstract compositions. It is also a powerful tool for



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