

Cost adrift After two ers of Covd we’re fnll ettn bc to lve events – nd now  cost of lvn crss hs turned up Lz Tlor, CEO nd founder of the Tlor Lnn Corporton, ssesses the ltest chllene for eventprofs A s live events began to come the industry. We were ready and eager to return; bigger, better, bolder. e outlook seemed bright. A tangible sense of positivity could be felt by all. at optimism was destined to be tempered with a new challenge. A smooth journey to recovery hasn’t been written into our story and as event professionals we are now facing many more bumps in the road. Astronomical fuel and energy costs, back, you could feel the buzz of excitement rippling throughout ination, war in Europe, and the safety net of Government support removed as it attempts to repay the cost of the pandemic – could 2022 be an even bigger challenge than Covid? Increased costs Although on the surface, the cost of living crisis has been more widely reported from a consumer perspective, events and hospitality businesses will of course be aected ‐ a knock on eect of budgets being squeezed. Even more so as we are being hit

6 / 2022 mitmagazine.co.uk

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