Technical Briefing: Sustainability Assurance

The reporting frameworks

Organisations have been producing sustainability information for many years – sustainability reporting is not a new phenomenon – and the reporting frameworks regarding the issue have evolved over time. Regardless of the existence of mandatory reporting requirements, shareholders, especially institutional investors, are increasingly demanding more information so they can evaluate the impact of an organisation’s activities on the environment and society. In addition, organisations may see a competitive advantage in publishing their “green credentials” as key performance indicators, driving a wider range of sustainability disclosures in published corporate information. Many reporting frameworks have developed over time, e.g. the Global Reporting Initiative, Integrated

Reporting and the now-disbanded Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. Recently the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) issued the first two Sustainability Reporting Standards – IFRS S1 andIFRS S2.

Shareholders are demanding more

information so they can evaluate the impact of an organisation’s activities on the environment and society.



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