Technical Briefing: Sustainability Assurance

The assurance framework

ISSA 5000 is designed to serve as a comprehensive, stand-alone standard, suitable for any sustainability assurance engagement. It is described as “framework agnostic”, meaning that its principles can be applied to any suitable reporting framework. When developing the standard, regulators ensured its compatibility with IFRS S1 and S2, mindful that these standards will be It is also described as “profession agnostic” which means that it can be used by any assurance practitioner, as long as they adhere to relevant ethical requirements and apply a quality management system that is at least as rigorous as those used by accounting practitioners. applied by a large number of organisations in coming years.

This means that non-accountancy professionals can use ISSA 5000, e.g. experts in environmental matters or legal experts. The standard can be applied whether the engagement is designed to provide limited or reasonable assurance, and it can be applied to all of an organisation’s sustainability disclosures, or to just part of them.

ISSA 5000 is both framework agnostic and profession agnostic.



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