Technical Briefing: Sustainability Assurance

A brief history of sustainability

Sustainability has a longer history than many people realise. As long ago as 1983, the UN set up the World Commission on Environment and Development to examine the relationship between economic development, environmental health and social equity. The 2015 Paris Agreement committed 196 signatories to limiting increases in global average temperatures to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Unfortunately, it looks increasingly unlikely that the immediate specific target of 1.5°C will be met. Regulation combines with investor demands to put pressure on companies to have a positive story to tell on sustainability.

This has undoubtedly had an influence in promoting sustainable practices, but there are also instances of companies claiming to be one thing whilst in reality being something quite different. Accountants and auditors have a crucial role to play in preventing these practices which have become known as greenwashing. Accountants and auditors have a crucial role to play.



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