Factory Automation Competition Game Manual 2024-25


Order Card A card listing the combination of Packages (2 Packages) required for the selected Order. Order Cards can be found here. Order Card(s) will be randomly selected by the Team prior to the Production Run in Competition Phase 3: Shipping. Package A container designed and created by the Team to hold three (3) Products of the same color. Examples of Packages could be 3D printed boxes or a container created with VEX parts that would contain 3 Red Products or 3 Blue Products or 3 Green Products. Package Zone An area identified on the Workcell where each Product must be compiled by color into a Package. Product Red, Green, or Blue Cylindrical shaped game objects included with the V5 Workcell kit. Students may also create their own 3D printed objects, provided that they are cylindrical or rectangular in shape and adhere to the following sizing: Cylindrical - 63.2mm (diameter) x 12.45mm (height) Rectangular- 63.2 x 12.45 x 63.2mm Production Run A Production Run consists of an attempt to complete a Competition Phase. Programmer The Student(s) on the Team who write(s) the computer code that is downloaded onto the Workcell. An Adult cannot be the Programmer on a Team. Adults are permitted to teach the Programmer associated concepts, but may never be working on the code that goes on the Workcell without the student Programmer present and actively participating. Run Time The amount of time it takes to complete a Competition Phase. The Competition Phase 3 Run Time will be used as a tiebreaker for the global leader board.

Shipped An Order is Shipped if it is moved as a unit from the Shipping Zone to the Delivery Zone with no human interaction. Shipping Zone An identified area on the lower level of the Workcell where Orders will be placed after retrieval from the Elevated Storage Zone. Student Anyone who is earning or has earned credit toward a secondary school (i.e., high school) diploma, certificate, or other equivalent during the six (6) months preceding June 1, 2025. Team One or more Students make up a Team. A Team is classified as a high school Team if any of its members are high school Students or made up of middle school Students who declare themselves "playing up" as high school Students by registering their team as a high school Team. A Team is classified as a college Team if any of the members are college Students. Teams may be associated with schools, community/youth organizations, or a group of neighborhood Students. Team ID Plates The Team ID Plate is included in the VEX V5 Workcell Kit. This allows the team to display their team number in video submissions. V5 Robot Arm The programmable mechanical arm used in the Factory Automation Competition (276-7151). Workcell A collection of VEX Robotics 15 x 30 Base Plates (276-1341) with the V5 Brain (276-4810), Products, Robotic Arm(s), and any supporting material attached.

2024-25 GAME MANUAL 7

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