2024 Fall Active Living Guide


Scrabble (50+ years) Show off word forming skills in matches for experienced and new players. Play co-operatively and competitively. Seniors Lounge (50+ years) Stop by for a coffee-chat, board games, puzzles, crosswords, and information on seniors services across the City. Pop-up workshops, information tables and services planned during this time on an ongoing basis. Seep Card Game (50+ years) Know how to play the card game Seep? If you do, then join us any day of the week. Snooker (50+ years) Meet at the table for a friendly game. Beginners pick up tips from experienced players. All levels welcome. Snooker (50+ years) This evening snooker Drop In is open to all 50+ community. Never played? No problem, learn the game from experts. This is a City of New Westminster program, and drop in fees apply. Women’s Snooker (50+ years) Take up or practice the skills of snooker. Snooker is a game of skill played on a billiards table. Open to complete beginners and those looking to get a little more practice. Square Dancing (50+ years) A low impact way to exercise and have fun. All levels welcome. Ukulele (50+ years) Join a jam session. All levels welcome. Bring a ukulele. Whist (50+ years) All Whist Players and Bridge Players are welcome. Ten games of regular Whist. Teams of two.

CH Walkers (50+ years) Walk all over the Lower Mainland using transit and in all types of weather. Walks vary in length. Court Whist (50+ years) Play tricks with experienced players. New to Court Whist? Schedule a lesson with Century House staff. Crafting (50+ years) Share tips and techniques, and create as a group. Cribbage (50+ years) Deal, play, and show with experienced players. New to Cribbage? Schedule a lesson with Century House staff. Darts (50+ years) Go for the bullseye! Welcome to all players, new or experienced. Drama (50+ years) Exercise your artistic expression, enjoy the spotlight or get out of your comfort zone! Conversational French (50+ years) Read, sing, and converse in French. French movies and documentaries are presented once a month on a large screen. Mahjong (50+ years) Use strategy and skill with experienced players. New to Mahjong? Schedule a lesson with Century House staff. Parkinson's Support (50+ years) For people with Parkinson’s and caregivers. May 23, June 27 Quilting (50+ years) Work on a project together. Knowledge of hand quilting and machine sewing is an asset. All levels welcome.


Registration is available for limited-capacity drop-in sessions. Details: newwestcity.ca/dropin

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