2024 Fall Active Living Guide


Creative Movement & Play (1 - 2 years) Caregiver Participation Little ones will enjoy movement, music, dance, and storytelling with their caregivers and each other in this fun and relaxed class. Join your little ones as they explore different locomotor movements and rhythms. Instructor: Leah Fong. Anvil Centre 604.527.4640

Wednesday, 9:30 - 10:00 am September 11 - October 23 October 30 - December 11

214423 214424

Registration Fee: $47.00 / 7 classes

MUSIC VSO SoM Mini Music Makers (0 - 5 years) Sing, move, play, and learn. These engaging classes will guide children through the foundations of music in a fun and highly interactive way. Classes are taught by highly qualified early childhood music instructors and musicians, using a bespoke approach which takes the best of Kodaly, Dalcroze, Orff and Colourstrings Kindergarten methods to instill a life-long love of music. Stimulating for babies, toddlers and kids alike! Instructor: Lani Krantz. Anvil Centre 604.527.4640 Tuesday, 10:00 - 10:45 am 214443 Tuesday, 11:00 - 11:45 am 214444 Tuesday, 12:00 - 12:45 pm 214445 September 24 - December 10 Registration Fee: $265.00 / 12 classes SPECIAL EVENTS Halloween Festive Fun (2 - 3 years) Caregiver Participation Children will be encouraged to explore Halloween arts and crafts using paint, paper, glue and more! Just in time to help decorate your home. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100 Monday, 9:30 - 10:30 am October 28 Registration Fee: $16.00 / class 217045 Christmas Festive Fun (2 - 3 years) Parent Participation Enjoy holiday traditions of making Christmas decorations and crafts, play holiday games, read stories, and other festive activities. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100 Monday, 9:30 - 10:30 am December 16 217111 Queensborough Community Centre 604.525.7388 Friday, 9:30 - 10:30 am December 20 217137 Registration Fee: $16.00 / class

SPORTS Multisport & Games (2 - 3 years)

Caregiver Participation Participate with your child in a variety of games and sports to develop their fundamental movement skills, confidence, and

physical competence through inclusive play. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre Monday, 9:30 - 10:15 am September 9 - October 28 (no class Sept. 30, Oct. 14) November 4 - December 16 (no class Nov. 11)


216860 216862 216864 216865 216869 216871 216873 216875

Wednesday, 9:30 - 10:15 am September 11 - October 23* October 30 - December 11* Thursday, 9:30 am - 10:15 pm September 19 - October 24 Queensborough Community Centre


October 31 - December 5

Sunday, 9:30 am - 10:15 pm September 15 - November 3 (no class Sept. 29, Oct. 13)

November 17 - December 8**

Registration Fee: $48.00 / 6 classes $56.00 / 7 classes* $32.00 / 4 classes**

Early years drop-in classes, see page 13.

Registration for lessons & courses starts August 8 at 10:00 am. newwestcity.ca/register


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