2024 Fall Active Living Guide


Family Cooking Workshop (16+ years) Learn practical tips to support childrens eating autonomy, important nutrients for toddlers, and being to make meals feel easier. Caregivers are welcome to bring up to one child under 16 years at no cost. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100 Thursday, 7:00 - 8:00 pm October 17 Registration Fee: $31.50 / class 216739 The Grandmothers Canoe Journey Film: Screening & Discussion (16+ years) From Cheam to Sapperton Landing, follow a special cedar chest on an interconnected journey of wild salmon and Indigenous peoples. Talk with the filmmakers of Love Intersections Society, visionary lead Nadine Spence, Downstream Where the Waters Mix exhibition artists, and local supporters to honour Indigenous women, who despite colonial harms, persist in healing with the lands and waters. Light refreshments are provided. Anvil Centre 604.527.4640 Sunday, 6:00 - 8:30 pm November 24 Registration Fee: Free museum@newwestcity.ca Archives in Film (16+ years) Screen and discuss the influence of archives in film. Join the heritage crew for a night of movies and fun. Archivist: Erin. Anvil Centre 604.527.4640 Thursday, 6:30 - 9:00 pm September 26, Aliens (1986) 215247 October 24, The Ring (2002) 215248 November 28, The Lives of Others (2006) 215249 Registration Fee: $5.00 Sewing (19+ years) Refresh old clothing or begin a new project while learning about all the basics of sewing including hand stitching, pattern use, finishing work and more. There will be a sewing machine to use but it is advisable to bring one of your own. An optional small sewing kit available for purchase. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100

Personal Emergency Preparedness (19+ years) Learn basic information you need to prepare yourself, your family, pets and your home. Hazards that exist in the local area will be discussed along with what to do before and after a disaster or emergency. Attendees will be entered into a draw for a free emergency kit. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100 Thursday, 7:15 - 8:45 pm November 14 Registration Fee: Free 217101 Emergency Preparedness & Fire Safety for Seniors & People with Disabilities (19+ years) Learn basic information you need to prepare yourself, your family, pets and your home including tips and information for seniors or those with disabilities. Hazards that exist in your home and the local area will be discussed along with what to do before and after a disaster or emergency. Attendees will be

entered into a draw for a free emergency kit. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre


Tuesday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm October 29 - December 3 Registration Fee: $154.00 / 6 classes

Thursday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm November 7 Registration Fee: Free



Creativity Workshops (19+ years) Be inspired by local artists with a social drop-in art workshop, featuring a new project or theme each week. Take creative risks, use your imagination and have fun as you practice your skills or learn something new. All supplies will be provided and workshop details will be available at artsnewwest.ca .

SPECIAL EVENTS Macramé Angel (16+ years)

Capture the spirit of the season by making a macramé angel to hang on your tree or give as a gift. All supplies included. Instructor: Shirin J. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre 604.777.5100 Monday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm December 16 217096 Queensborough Community Centre 604.525.7388 Tuesday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm December 10 Registration Fee: $28.00 / class 217098

Presented in partnership with Arts New West. tәmәseẃtx w Aquatic & Community Centre Thursday, 7:15 - 9:15 pm October 10, 24, November 7, 21, December 5 Admission Fee: Free


Registration for lessons & courses starts August 8 at 10:00 am. newwestcity.ca/register


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