Go Mag Issue 67


Underwater Harvest



S ea vegetables may be the wave of the future, but they have been used in Asian medicine and cuisine for 10,000 years. Medicine from the Sea Wakame and kombu offer numerous health benefits, being rich in essential micro-nutrients and important trace elements. Whether you follow a plant- based diet or not, seaweeds like these can give you minerals and vitamins which are simply not available from land vegetables. Seaweeds perform an essential cleaning function in the ocean and will do the same in our gut, holistically supporting the endocrine, nervous and digestive systems to eliminate toxins. With a rich umami flavour, wakame and kombu are the perfect base for nourishing broths, soups and stews to fight colds and flu. When using kombu, you may notice a white powder on the dried surface – this contains the naturally occuring amino acid

Zucchini, Edamame and Wakame Fritters Serves 3 Ingredients: • 2 zucchinis, grated • 1 onion, diced • 1 cup edamame beans, podded • handful of chopped parsley or Pacific Harvest Sea Lettuce Flakes • 2 eggs • 1 clove of garlic, minced • dash of apple cider vinegar • salt and pepper, to taste • 1 tablespoon Pacific Harvest Wakame Flakes • ½ cup brown rice flour Directions: 1. Place zucchini in a strainer and sprinkle with salt. Set aside to drain. Squeeze to remove most of the liquid. 2. Place edamame in a large bowl and mash lightly. 3. Add zucchini, onion, sea lettuce or parsley, eggs, garlic, vinegar, wakame, salt and pepper, and mix well. 4. Add flour and mix thoroughly. 5. Form palm-sized fritters with your hands and cook in a lightly oiled pan until golden.

glutamine, which rises to the leaves’ surface as they are air-dried. Heat and light can damage nutrient density in seaweed. Pacific Harvest only offers air dried seaweeds to maximise nutritional value. Cooking with Wakame and Kombu Use kombu to create hearty soups and bean dishes. Think of a kombu leaf (the frond of kelp) as being like a bay leaf: soaking it provides delicious flavour. When finished, chop the leaf and add it to the dish, or pop it in the compost. Wakame is a tasty and nutritious seasoning to sprinkle over grains, toss with cooked rice and give zing to salads and vegetables. Add flakes to food as you would add herbs.

Go Vita loves … Pacific Harvest Wakame Flakes , harvested from kelp from the pristine waters of New Zealand, and winner of the silver medal at New Zealand’s 2023 Outstanding Food Producers Awards.


ISSUE 67 • 2023

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