Healthy: Fall 2024

Fall Hike Series Barbara Ray Join us for fun, fitness and fellowship during a 2-3 mile hike at one of Dublin’s community area parks (weather permitting).

ENGAGE VIRTUALLY *Virtual opportunities meet online. Registered participants receive an online link to connect to the course prior to the program start.

Introductory Japanese 1 Nori Ito Learn the Japanese language through this beginner-level, virtual connections course. Nori provides a structured framework focused on

Each hike provides an opportunity to explore, learn, and actively engage in nature at a different Dublin park. Dress weather-appropriate and wear comfortable walking shoes. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 444120.01 Sep 17 Tu 6-7pm $5 Location: Kiwanis Riverway Park, 6245 Riverside Drive Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 444120.02 Nov 13 W 6-7pm $5 Location: Amberleigh Park, 4715 Vista Ridge Drive

clear learning objectives, consistent content, and an opportunity to acquire, develop and refine applicable skills in a positive, encouraging environment. The instructor provides all program content and materials online. Contact Nori Ito at with any program questions. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR SDR/NR 444231.01 Sep 24-Oct 29 Tu 6:15-7:15pm $90 $100 Location: Online

Owl Prowl Hike Barbara Ray

Introductory Japanese 2 Nori Ito

Join Barbara for an evening hike through M.L. ‘Red’ Trabue Nature Reserve to search for owls and learn more about these intriguing nocturnal birds. Discover how owls thrive at night and what signs to watch out for to know they are in the park. Dress weather-appropriate and wear comfortable walking shoes. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 444124.01 Oct 29 Tu 7:30-8:30pm $5 Location: M.L. ‘Red’ Trabue Nature Reserve, 6566 Post Road

Continue learning the Japanese language through this virtual connections course involving an increased focus on pronunciation as well as the utilization of learning grammatical content. All program content and materials are provided online by the instructor. Participants must have completed part one of the course or have permission from the instructor. Contact Nori Ito at nito@snowytreejtec. com with any program questions. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR SDR/NR 444232.01 Sep 17-Oct 22 Tu 7:45-8:45pm $90 $100 Location: Online

Nature’s Classroom


Nature Docent Volunteers The City of Dublin’s natural environment is full of beauty and benefits our community. Join our Nature Docent volunteers to learn about the wonders found in our backyards and how we can protect them. These programs are free to attend with registration. Fall Gardening with Native Plants This presentation focuses on the importance of using native plants in your landscape. Discussion includes how gardening is part of nature – not apart from nature. Discover how urban gardens can help us connect more with nature and when the best time for growing occurs. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 818020.01 Oct 23 W 5-6pm Free w/ registration Location: DCRC, Meeting Room 1

Cancellation/Refund Policies For complete information, refer to page 79.

Looking for Something Else? Browse the remaining sections of the brochure for additional programs and activities. Fitness Programs … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 57 Water Fitness … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 69


Dublin Programs & Activities

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