Tailored CPD for Accountants in Business: Why It Matters

Background When a major accountancy body like ICAEW tightens up it CPD regime, we tend to think about accountants in practice. But, it is among accountants in business that the more seismic change is already playing out. And your needs are very different from your peers in practice.

Accountants in business have always had widely varying experiences of CPD:

ACCA members, for example, have always been required to complete 40 hours of CPD each year, 21 of which must be verifiable. ICAEW’s old regime was much more lax, and most ICAEW members in business interpreted it as not really applying to them. Some accountants work for employers who recompense them for the cost of CPD or provide it centrally. Others have been left to fend for themselves. Our research tells us that less than half have enjoyed a contribution from their employers 1 .

But all this is now starting to change…

1 accountingcpd Getting to Know You Research, 2018 & 2024

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