Longbridge East Works, originally known as the Aero Factory, played a significant role in the history of the famous Birmingham production site including war-time aircraft. After the war the building became known as the East Works and was the centre of engine development and production with some 2,000 people being employed. Rover Group’s award- winning K-Series engine was assembled there until the closure of MG Rover in April 2005. regeneration site within the area allocated as H2 in the Longbridge Area Action Plan will deliver 173 family homes and apartments with 35% provision for affordable housing. The 5 storey landmark apartment block with undercroft parking provides definition to the edge of Coften Park, high quality architecture was essential in making a positive contribution to the district and local area. A reserved matters application is currently under consideration with Bromsgrove District Council following outline approval. Proposals for the final phase of residential development forming part of a broader
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