Citygate, Bradford.
Bradford Gateway Scheme, Manchester Road, West Yorkshire
The proposed development obtained consent for a total of 6no. buildings containing 575 residential apartments (comprising no. 329 one bed units, no. 216 two bed units and no. 30 three bed units), 1 commercial unit, 85 car parking spaces, cycle parking, and associated landscaping and public open space. The concept for the landscape proposals is directly linked to the existing green corridor forming the Sustrans Cycle Route 66 along the western boundary of the site. This route forms a very pleasant pedestrian route from the surrounding residential areas to and from the city centre. The form and detailing of this pathway is repeated, weaving through the site to provide connectivity between the proposed buildings and the surrounding built form. The remaining space between the buildings is designed to be as green and soft as possible. Semi-private space related to each building is provided for residents to enjoy and to promote interaction.
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