
best uses for DG PV+ Storage

I n the past, battery storage was most commonly used to power residences for those living entirely off the grid. Today, batteries play a wider role in the energy landscape, offering a solution to some of the more critical grid challenges. Here are two examples:


ENERGY ARBITRAGE: Under this system, batteries are used to shift energy purchases from high-cost times to lower-cost times. Also known as load shifting, energy arbitrage is particularly useful in reducing demands on the grid at times of high use, such as the evening when people are returning home from work and school, or in the morning before sunrise. As a result of shifting the loads, the grid equipment is under less strain and reduces the maintenance and upgrade costs for utilities, bringing down costs of electricity for everyone. 

DG PV + storage has become essential in helping to regulate the peaks and valleys that naturally occur when the sun either isn’t shining or is interrupted by cloud cover. Behind-the-meter batteries are a source of backup power during grid shutdowns, increasing resiliency and security for the offtaker, which is mission-critical for entities such as hospitals, prisons and the military.


A newer, innovative use for storage is to maximize the generation through a limited AC interconnection point. Particularly in New York and Massachusetts it is becoming common to oversize a PV array far above the AC inversion capacity, beyond what would be traditionally acceptable. DC coupled energy storage is being integrated into the design to absorb clipping losses and release the excess generation into the late afternoon and evening. This is also another way to combat the infamous “duck” curve as solar PV deployment increases.

Source: https://www.caiso.com/Documents/FlexibleResourcesHelpRenewables_FastFacts.pdf

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