Rosh Hashana

By Hadassah Bay

Nikki Kirshner is a woman on a mission, and her passion is palpable. “Someone asked me to organize an event to launch the EFRAT N’shei,” she recalls. “I said I am so on board, I'm obsessed with EFRAT. Let me help you.”And help she did. Nikki took on the challenge with full force, enlisting her mother-in-law, Tzipi Kirshner, to host the event in her home. The result? An incredible gathering of over 60 women who came to harness the power of sisterhood and community to launch N’shei EFRAT, helping women in distress to have their babies and rebuild their families. That event was preceded by a smaller, no less impactful gathering, hosted by Abbey Wolin, of Abbey & Co. Brand Strategist, and following the inaugural “soft launch” of N’shei Efrat at the Kleins in Monsey. The intimate BBQ brought together ten influencers who were prepared to leverage their platforms on behalf of EFRAT. The guest list featured a who's who of women with large social media followings, including Yaffa Palti, Rorie Weisberg (Fullnfree), Maya Namdar (mayasplace), Yocheved Gross, Shira Stern (swaddlebee), Galit Winer (kidichicusa), Shaindy Plotzker, Ahuva Gottdiner (homegrownkosher), Bracha Bard as well as the gracious hostess, Abbey Wolin. EFRAT’s Executive Director Nir Salomon addressed the group, providing background about the organization’s vital work, which in its four decades of activities has saved over 88,000 babies. “What sets

EFRAT apart,” he explained, “is that every donation guarantees that a life will be saved. With EFRAT, the direct result is another woman who gets to keep her baby – another life saved, guaranteed! Genuine pikuach nefesh. ” The impact was immediate, with influencers coming on board to promote Efrat. They were all excited to share the cause on their platforms. The Birth of a Sisterhood The main goal of these events is to create an EFRAT sisterhood, a network of hundreds and thousands of women each donating $125 monthly for a year for a

sum total of $1,500 – the cost of saving a baby. “It’s a pretty ambitious goal,” Nikki admits, “but when you think about it, each additional member means another baby saved.” The Monsey event alone saw 20 women pledge their support some of whom committed to helping more than one woman save their baby. With each woman committing to join the N’shei, another mother will be empowered to bring her baby into the world. The women who join this sisterhood are building a community of women supporting women, mother to mother. They aren’t just donors; they become part of a movement. Members of the sisterhood receive swag bags, monthly emails, invitations to exclusive events, and opportunities to hear inspirational speakers. Many leading companies have committed to sponsoring N’shei events and providing amazing swag. Why EFRAT? There are countless causes worthy of support, so why EFRAT? The answer lies in the impact of each individual donation. “EFRAT is so tangible,” Nikki explains. “You hear about the plight of these women, and you realize that with your donation, you are literally saving a life; you are helping a mother bring her baby into the world. When you really think about it, $1500 a year in monthly installments is so doable, and with that money, you are doing something in that moment – supporting a


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