Rosh Hashana

What  s Inside?

Dear Friend,

As we approach Rosh HaShanah, it is clear to all that our prayers will not be the same as last year. This year, the words “who shall live …” will have added urgency. This year we will all be at Yizkor. This year we will all be thinking of the many innocent lives that were brutally cut short by the savage Hamas beasts. In Israel and around the world, no eyes are left dry, as this tragedy and ongoing wave affected every family, every home. One of the thoughts that pains us in particular is how many stories, accomplishments, and celebrations have been cut short, how many dreams unrealized. While we mourn the loss of the precious souls taken this year, we are thankful to you, our donors and friends, for helping us bring over 88,356, new lives into this world. With your help thousands of mothers who were pressured into considering aborting their child were supported by Efrat, allowing them to continue fulfilling their dreams. Thousands of neshamot that were at risk of not being born were ultimately saved, and are being raised by their loving parents. You have helped create the miracle of life which is especially powerful in these dark times. In this war, countless heroic men and women continue to risk their lives to ensure the continued Jewish future. And thousands of these brave soldiers themselves owe their lives to your support, as they would not have been born if Efrat did not empower their mothers to be able to make the choice they wanted to make, instead of the choice they felt forced to make. In the following pages, you will read about different ways in which your support continues to impact the Jewish world, and you will meet some of the people that make it all happen. This year too many lives were lost. With your help we will do all we can to counter that by helping our more and more brave mothers bring more life to the world than ever before. Chazal said that Mashiach will not come until all the souls have entered a body. With the signs of Mashiach so evident, we look for ways to hasten his coming. This year we ask you to continue standing steadfast by Efrat so that we can ensure that no neshamah is lost. As we stand steadfastly committed to saving every Jewish child on the home front, we plead to Hashem at this time to protect all His children on the warfront and to bring the Geulah Sheleimah. In the merit of your help may you have a year where you live life to the fullest, in good health and happiness.

3. Larger Than Life 7. Embracing Life After Loss

10. Women Supporting Women 12. Bringing Hope Across Borders 14. From Madrid To Eretz Yisrael

Ketiva v’chatima tova,

Nir Salomon Executive Director, EFRAT

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