Rosh Hashana

The unforgettable Dr. Eliyahu Yosef Schussheim zt”l

Crowning Achievement Dr. Schussheim wore many hats: he served as a physician at Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital and later opened his own private clinic. He was an expert in circumcision and chaired the government supervisory committee for circumcision. He founded the Neve Simcha Retirement Home, served as treasurer for the Jewish Institute for the Blind, and was the medical advisor for many non-profits. Without doubt, however, the project nearest and dearest to his heart was EFRAT, the organization dedicated to preventing unnecessary abortion through the empowerment of women. For 40 years until the day of his passing, he pursued this goal relentlessly, providing information and medical guidance, as well as emotional and financial support for women in untenable situations. Over the decades, Dr. Schussheim reached women through every type of media available, including printed material and delivering lectures in Israel and abroad. He was careful never to argue with anyone, saying that Israeli society had enough divisiveness as it was. Rather than telling women what he thought they should do, he sought to empower them so that they could make the best decision for themselves. Pro-Choice Always ahead of his time, Dr. Schussheim

embraced digital technology in the early stages, recognizing it for the powerful tool it would become for enhancing and disseminating EFRAT’s communications. His forward thinking was equally evident in how he presented his message. As the social climate became steadily more permissive, Dr. Schussheim never focused on an anti-abortion platform but on one of saving lives, and by extension, rehabilitating families. Unapologetically invoking the buzzword used by the liberal camp, he declared, “I am pro-choice!” He recognized that many women in financial distress felt compelled to abort, against their own conscience and their own desire. Beyond that, he learned that these women were painfully unaware of the ramifications – medical, physical and emotional — of such a decision, and thus saw his mission as showing women that a choice did exist. Dr. Schussheim’s words were backed in full, through EFRAT’s provision of information, medical guidance and a new baby package sent to women after birth, in addition to long-term economic support. To this day, that financial assistance comes hand in hand with emotional support in fulfillment of another iconic catch-phrase: “You don’t end a life for lack of funds!”

By Sharon Gelbach

It is hard to fathom that more than three years have passed since the world lost Dr. Eliyahu Yosef Schussheim, zt”l. For those privileged to have known him, the sorrow and disbelief linger, as the void left by his absence remains palpable. Dr. Schussheim was a multi-faceted individual, excelling in numerous fields with remarkable skill and knowledge. He was a whirlwind of vitality and purpose, his very essence defined by an unwavering commitment to the sanctity of life, a mission he pursued with unremitting passion and boundless energy.


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