Bonds. Fidelity bonds guarantee against loss due to the dishonesty of employees. Surety bonds guarantee the performance of various types of obligations assumed by contract or imposed by law. Surety bonds are most often used in the construction industry and are often required on public construction projects. Workers’ Compensation Insurance. This provides for payment of compensation benefits, as established by state law, to injured employees of a business. See the section in this Guide on Workers‘ Compensation for additional information. Group Insurance for Employees. Group life insurance and group health insurance provided as employee benefits must conform to standards established by state and federal statute. These requirements are described in greater detail in the section of this Guide on Employee Benefits. Product Liability. This refers to insurance coverage for any product manufactured by the insured. Coverage applies to the product once it leaves the manufacturer’s hands and covers the manufacturer in case the ultimate user of the product sues for bodily injury or property damage. E-INSURANCE FOR COMPANIES WITH AN ONLINE PRESENCE With the growth of the Internet and e-commerce, the law regarding business insurance is evolving as coverage is being extended to new areas. Both the insurance industry and the courts are starting to sort out how existing insurance products apply to e-commerce. Businesses that operate on the Internet face the possibility that their activities may subject them to liability in other jurisdictions. Since the Internet transcends geographical boundaries, one may be subject to a lawsuit in another state or even another country. It is fair to say that any company doing business on the Internet should consider that it is essentially a global business that might be sued in any court and in any territory where its business presence becomes known. Companies with operations on the Internet are in the business of information publishing, vulnerable to liabilities that typically plague media companies such as defamation, invasion of privacy and intellectual property infringement claims. While these causes of action are not new, an Internet company’s assets are more vulnerable to theft or business interruption. Damages associated with intangible assets, such as data theft or loss of business capability, pose risks unique to Internet companies. As with all insurance, a business must make sure of what is and is not covered by their current insurance before investigating the variety of Internet-specific policies.


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