IC Sydney

Home to many inventions that we take for granted, Sydney’s research institutions are making a real difference to our understanding of today’s world, and how we work and live in it. Innovation is the currency that will secure Australia’s future. Australians are renowned for inspired solutions with one of the highest rates of patent applications for renewable energy and biotechnology.

A land of creators: Australians have invented Cochlear’s bionic ear, Wi-Fi technology, spray-on skin and the black box flight recorder to name just a few. Google Maps was developed by Google’s Sydney team.

Bill Bowtell AO - Executive Director, Pacific Friends of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and BESydney Ambassador

• Australia punches well above its weight when it comes to the production of research. It has


established global pre-eminence in medical and health sciences research, with 95 per cent of work in this area at or above world standard (Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, 2013).

Australian researchers produce 5.5 per cent of the world’s highly cited publications, and the country ranks as one of the top in terms of the number of publications in highly influential journals as a percentage of population.

NSW is a hotbed of Australia’s most innovative digital media companies including ABC New Media, Amnesia, Big Pond, Disney Internet Group, Hothouse, Massive and ninemsn.


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