HCSO 2023 Annual Report



The HCSO team continued to pursue the leadership development vision in 2023. Although, we improved and updated the application and selection process for rank promotions in 2021, Sheriff Scandrett implemented the new rank and leadership promotional process in 2023. Selection criteria, testing and evaluation components, structured board interviews and practical, scenario-based assessments were implemented. Furthermore, candidates participated in interviews with Sheriff Scandrett and Chief Deputy M.P. Yarbrough prior to final selection that included the executive staff. OF NEW LEADERS. WE CONGRATULATE THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THUS FAR AND LOOK FORWARD TO ADDING TO THEIR NUMBER IN THE NEAR FUTURE!” “AS THE HCSO REACHES INTO 2024 AND BEYOND, WE ARE EXCITED FOR THE PROGRESSION OF THE CLASS

Cultivating and enhancing law enforcement leadership, both for the present and the future, remains a goal that organizations continually strive to enhance and excel in. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has taken this call to excellence straight from Sheriff Reginald B. Scandrett’s “Top Six” priorities, specifically “Empower and Engage Employees,” while these leaders help ensure the HCSO succeeds in all priorities. The vision was cast in 2021, when Sheriff Scandrett made leadership development a top priority. Over the next three years, the vision became practical training, educational courses and guest leadership speakers for the members of the HCSO. From nationally recognized and regional instructors and presenters to our own Sheriff and staff, training was targeted to prepare our leaders for current and emerging law enforcement trends and issues. Topics included foundational supervision, management and leadership principles, and included special courses: Leadership with Sheriff Scandrett, Leading through Compassion- Regarding Mental Health, Leadership Issues for Managers, Empowerment Leadership , and many others.

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