HCSO 2023 Annual Report

CELEBRATING WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP AT THE HENRY COUNTY JAIL A Testament to Progress and Diversity in Law Enforcement In a dedicated effort towards fostering inclusivity and diversity, Henry County Jail proudly acknowledges the exceptional women who occupy key leadership and supervisory roles, steering the agency towards a future defined by equality and progress. Led by Jail Commander Colonel Tina Daniel and Assistant Jail Commander Major Natasha Powell , both accomplished women with extensive experience in law enforcement, the Jail Operations team stands as a testament to the commitment of the agency in embracing diversity. These women, entrusted with critical responsibilities, are instrumental in maintaining order and safety within the jail.

The roster of women includes newly promoted Captain Janice Love , Lieutenants Felicia Barner and Cinnamon Kizer-Hudson . These women bring extensive experience and expertise, fostering a work environment characterized by positivity and progress.


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