HCSO 2023 Annual Report


Henry County Jail Partners with Stepping Up Initiative to Address Mental Health and Substance Abuse Challenges

Marking a significant leap forward in addressing mental health and substance abuse challenges within the criminal justice system, Henry County Jail staff partnered with stakeholders in 2023 to establish the Henry County Stepping Up Initiative. This national, data-driven framework is designed to reduce the number of individuals with mental health illnesses and substance abuse issues in jail. Key stakeholders convened at the Stepping Up Initiative and Henry County Commissioners meeting, where individuals committed to redefining how the criminal justice system responds to individuals with mental health and substance abuse challenges.

Among prominent figures leading discussions was Judge Brian J. Amero, who passionately advocated for a shift in focus towards community-based solutions for mental health inmates. The discussions centered on the potential for diversion or pre-release programs as viable alternatives while awaiting legal disposition, and shed light on alternative approaches to handling individuals with mental health challenges within the justice system. The Stepping Up Initiative represents a commitment to prioritize mental health and substance abuse treatment over incarceration, aligning with a broader national effort to address these issues at the community level. This collaboration signifies a shared commitment to creating a more compassionate and effective criminal justice system, one that prioritizes rehabilitation and support for individuals facing mental health and substance abuse issues. Henry County Government Partners with HCSO to Invest $1.7 Million in Air Handler Improvement Project, Enhancing Air Circulation and Filtration throughout the Jail

In a commitment to enhancing the air circulation and overall well- being of jail staff and inmates, the Henry County Jail completed its Air Handler Improvement Project in 2023. With an investment of $1.7 million, made possible by the Henry County Government, the project focuses on optimizing air circulation and filtration within the detention facility. Aimed at improving the quality of indoor air and fostering a healthier environment for both staff and inmates, this comprehensive upgrade ensures the air handling systems within the jail meet the industry standards of efficiency and effectiveness. The implementation of state-of-the-art technology has significantly improved the overall air circulation throughout the facility, ensuring the air quality meets or exceeds industry standards, promoting the health and well-being of both inmates and staff. The successful completion of the Air Handler Improvement Project stands as a testament to the jail’s commitment to innovation and the continual improvement of its facilities.


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