HCSO 2023 Annual Report

REDUCE RECIDIVISM Through our Restorative Center, the HCSO is actively reducing recidivism rates by offering GED classes and certification programs to detained individuals. In 2023, we celebrated the graduation of 193 participants, equipping them with valuable skills for post-incarceration employment opportunities. This aims to break the cycle of reoffending and promote successful reintegration into society. In 2023, the Henry County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) actively pursued and successfully implemented the top six priorities outlined by the Sheriff, achieving significant progress in each area. These priorities reflect the agency’s commitment to enhancing public safety and serving the community with diligence and dedication. SHERIFF’S TOP SIX PRIORITIES


MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL COLLABORATIONS In 2023, the HCSO collaborated with other law enforcement agencies on numerous criminal investigations, including a tragic mass shooting in Hampton, Georgia. The agency also supported efforts for new legislation related to officers injured in the line of duty. These collaborations amplify investigative efforts, raise public awareness, and facilitate seamless information exchange all in pursuit of shared community goals. Sheriff Reginald B. Scandrett and Team HCSO participated in over eighty (80) local events in Henry County and hosted eight (8) events including “Thanks for Giving” and “Shop with a Deputy” holiday event. These events required many staffing hours and garnered thousands of toys and monetary donations. This was made possible through partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and individuals. INDUCE RESTORATIVE JUSTICE With the official opening of the HCSO Restorative Center in March 2023, a robust model of restorative justice has been established by prioritizing the rehabilitation of offenders. Additionally, the HCSO has forged partnerships with esteemed educational institutions like Morehouse School of Medicine for the Pathway Forward program and collaborated with the Henry County Library System to address literacy gaps in the community. GARNER NATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS In its commitment to fostering a safe and secure jail environment for both staff and inmates, the HCSO diligently works to meet the stringent standards set by the American Correctional Association (ACA), the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC). In 2023, the HCSO continued efforts to achieve accreditation through comprehensive training, collecting and organizing documents, and rigorous review of policies and procedures. EMPOWER AND ENGAGE EMPLOYEES In 2023, the HCSO initiated the Emerging Leaders supervisory and development program to empower employees and encourage active participation in their own career development; especially for those actively pursuing promotions according to our rank structure. Our mentorship programs are geared toward keeping both employees and managers engaged.

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