HCSO 2023 Annual Report


ONLINE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES In 2023, the Training Unit expanded learning

COMMUNITY ACTIVE THREAT SEMINARS Four Active Threat Seminars were hosted at local churches, enhancing community engagement and equipping citizens with vital tools to navigate and survive violent encounters.

DE-ESCALATION TRAINING Responding to external events in law enforcement, HCSO staff participated in scenario-based de-escalation training, aligning with the commitment to resolving encounters responsibly. opportunities for HCSO personnel by introducing online options for internal classes, leveraging technology and software applications.

COMMUNITY WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE CLASS A Women-only self-defense class armed participants with both unarmed and armed self-defense techniques, empowering women in Henry County.

CITIZEN’S RANGE PROGRAM The monthly citizen's range program provided participants with firearms safety training, resources, and expert instruction, reinforcing responsible firearm practices within the community. CRISIS INTERVENTION TRAINING (CIT) A comprehensive 5-day CIT course was hosted, equipping officers with skills to assist individuals dealing with mental illness or crisis, emphasizing de-escalation techniques and alternatives to confinement.

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