SWVS 2024 Exhibitor Service Kit

SWVS 2024 Fort Worth Convention Center Fort Worth, TX September 26-29, 2024

Discount Price Deadline Date SEPTEMBER 11th Method of payment must accompany your order

Terms & Conditions of Contract - Material Handling Services

b. Receipt of Goods. AGS shall not be liable for Goods received without receipts, freight bills, or specified piece count on receipts or freight bills, or for bulk shipments (i.e., UPS, air freight, or van lines). Such Goods shall be delivered to booth without the guarantee of piece count or condition. c. Force Majeure. AGS shall not be liable for loss or damage that results from Acts of God, weather conditions, act or default of Customer, shipper, Carrier, or the owner of the Goods, inherent nature of the Goods, public enemy, public authority, labor disputes, and acts of terrorism or war. d. Cold Storage. Goods requiring cold storage are stored at Customer’s own risk. AGS assumes no liability or responsibility for Cold Storage. e. Empty Storage. AGS assumes no liability for loss or damage to Goods or crates, or the contents therein, while containers are in empty storage. It is Customer’s sole responsibility to affix the appropriate labels available at the AGS Service Center for empty container storage, and ensure that any pre-existing empty labels are removed. f. Freight Re-Route. AGS is not liable for Customer Goods left on the event floor after the event closing deadline, with or without a Material Handling Services/Straight Bill of Lading signed by Customer. It is Customer’s responsibility to complete accurate paperwork for shipping and to ensure Customer Goods are properly labeled. If Customer Goods remain on the floor after the event closing deadline, AGS has the right to remove the Customer Goods. AGS is authorized by Customer to proceed in the manner chosen by Customer on the Order of Material Handling Services/Straight Bill of Lading, if one has been completed, or otherwise, to ship Customer Goods at the discretion of AGS and at Customer’s expense. AGS shall incur no liability for such shipment. AGS retains the right to dispose of Customer Goods without liability if left on the event floor unattended, without labels or not correctly labeled. If the shipment is drayed back to the warehouse, there will be a Service Fee minimum of $650.00 for up to 1,499 lbs, a $850.00 min for 1,500 - 2,999 lbs, and a $1,050.00 min for 3,000+ lbs for transportation and/or storage. Additional fees may apply based on size and complexity of loading and storage needs. AGS is not responsible for the assignment of fees or charges made by the carrier in association with freight re-routes or dray backs. No liability will be assumed as a result of such re-routing or handling. Post-show disposal of all empty crates, carpeting

or display materials are the responsibility of the exhibitor including disposition or return to company warehouse. Any of the before mentioned items abandoned by exhibitors will be assessed a Service Fee beginning at $500, depending on size and weight. This service fee will be charged by AGS in addition to any fees applied by the Convention Center or Official Show Carrier for crate removal. g. Concealed Damage. AGS shall not be liable for concealed loss or damage including but not limited to; glass, electronic equipment, prototypes, original art, uncrated Goods, or improperly packaged or labeled goods. h. Unattended Goods. AGS assumes no liability for loss or damage to unattended Goods received at the event site at any time from the point of receipt of inbound Goods until the loading of the outbound Goods, including the entire term of the respective event, show or exhibition. Customer is responsible for adequately insuring its own Goods for any and all risk of loss. i. Unattended Booth. Relative to inbound shipments, there may be a lapse of time between the delivery of shipment(s) to the booth by AGS and the arrival of the Customer’s representative(s) at the booth. Similarly, relative to outgoing shipment(s), it is possible that there may be a lapse of time between the completion of packing and the actual pick- up of Goods from the booth for loading onto a carrier. It is understood that during such times the shipment(s) will be left in the booth unattended. In addition, booths that are attended may still be subject to risk of loss, damage, or theft at the event site. Therefore, it is understood and agreed that AGS shall not be liable for any loss or damage occurring while the Goods are in Customer’s booth at any time, whether or not the booth is, or is not attended by Customer or anyone else. All Material Handling Forms and/or Straight Bills of Lading covering outgoing Goods submitted to AGS will be checked at the time of pickup from the booth and corrections to the count or condition will be documented where discrepancies exist. j. Special Handling Needs. AGS shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or delays incurred during the handling of Goods requiring special devices or facilities to properly load, place, or reload, unless advance notice has been given to AGS in time to obtain the proper equipment or facilities. It is at the sole discretion of AGS to refuse the movement or acceptance of such Goods in cases where

AGS Expo Services • 4561 SW 34th Street • Orlando, FL 32811 Phone: 407.292.0025 • Fax: 407.292.4414 Email: eventservices@ags-expo.com Order Online: www.ags-expo.com


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