SWVS 2024 Exhibitor Service Kit

Image Size and Resolution The resolution of an image is determined by the number of pixels per inch (ppi) printed on a page. Photographs and artwork files should always be an absolute minimum of 72 dpi at full production size. It is preferred that art sent to us for production be at least 150 dpi or higher. If the art’s dimensions are smaller than actual size of the final print, the resolution needs to be higher to compensate. For example: If a file needs to be printed at 6 feet by 4 feet and your file is only 3 feet by 2 feet at 72 dpi, it will be pixelated and blurry when it is printed at full size. When you blow it up to full size, you are actually cutting the resolution by half. (3’x 2’ at 72 dpi = 6’ x 4’ at 36 dpi) You can figure out if a file will print properly by opening it in

Adobe Photoshop and going to the Image menu to Image Size. This window will show you exactly how much resolution you are losing when you enlarge the image to its full printing size. Check off the box marked “Resample Image”then change the width and height to the final printed dimensions. The resolution will change automatically, showing you what the actual resolution will become when the image is resized. One exception to this is graphics for extremely large banners which can print well at 36 dpi when seen from a distance of 10 ft. or more.

Actual image size

Doubled in size

More than triple in size

In this example you can see how the image loses resolution as the size is increased in Adobe Photoshop. If it were to be printed at 50” the resolution would only be 66 dpi. This same loss of resolution occurs if you bring the image into Adobe Illustrator and make it bigger by dragging one of the corners.

Questions? In order to ensure the highest quality products, please make certain that all files submitted to AGS adhere to this criteria. If for any reason you are unfamiliar with any of these items, have any questions, or need information on accessing the FTP site, please contact our team. Phone: 407.292.0025 Email: eventservices@ags-expo.com

Printing the same low-resolution image at different sizes you can see how this low resolution image becomes“pixelated” as it is increased in size for printing. This is a perfect example of why a small piece of art taken off a website at 72 dpi is unacceptable for printing.


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