SWVS 2024 Exhibitor Service Kit

SWVS 2024 Fort Worth Convention Center Fort Worth, TX September 26-29, 2024

Discount Price Deadline Date SEPTEMBER 11th Method of payment must accompany your order

Special Handling Definitions

What is “Special” Handling?

Special Handling applies to shipments that are loaded in such a manner as to require additional labor and handling to unload or load out. An additional fee beyond the standard crated rate will apply. Shipments loaded in this manner require additional time, labor, or equipment to unload, sort, and deliver.

Special Handling Includes:

Ground Loading • Vehicles that are not dock height, preventing the use of loading docks Side Door Loading • Shipments tendered for delivery in such a manner as to prevent access from the rear of the trailer. Constricted Space Loading • Freight loaded “high and tight” or down one side as to make shipments not readily available. Designated Piece Loading • When a trailer must be loaded in a particular sequence to ensure fit. Stacked, Cubed-Out, or Loose Shipments • Shipments loaded in such a manner requiring items to be removed to ground level for delivery to booth. • Items that would need to be unstacked/stacked, unstrapped/strapped, or loadbars to be removed/installed during the unload or load out process. Mixed Shipments • Pieces for separate shipments that are loaded mixed throughout the delivery vehicle, or shipments of crated and uncrated goods where the percentage of uncrated is minimal and does not warrant full uncrated rate for shipment. Improper Delivery Receipts • Shipments that arrive without individual Bill of Lading. Possible examples might include: UPS, FedEx, company trucks, privately-owned vehicles. Uncrated Shipments • Material that is shipped loose or pad-wrapped, and/or unskidded machinery without proper lifting bars or hooks. Improper Weight • Shipments that come in and are re-weighed showing the documentation was incorrect with a lower weight than the actual weight. These shipments get charged special handling plus a weight ticket charge.

Constricted Space Loading

Side Door Loading

Stacked Shipments

Uncrated Shipments

Multiple Shipments

AGS Expo Services • 4561 SW 34th Street • Orlando, FL 32811 Phone: 407.292.0025 • Fax: 407.292.4414 Email: eventservices@ags-expo.com Order Online: www.ags-expo.com


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