BIFAlink September 2024

Policy & Compliance

Ongoing issues with the pilot project mean that there is still no ‘go-live’ date for the security regime UK PreDICT makes slow progress

standards developed for use in the European Union’s Import Control System 2 (ICS2), in that it uses the Information Exchange Message Specifications and business processes used for Pre-Load Risk Analysis ONLY (not as EU ICS2, which is pre-load and pre-arrival). • UK PreDICT is currently delivering enhancements and upgrades to the host system, Cerberus, and is expecting to commence internal e-2-e testing in autumn 2024. • It is still the UK Home Office's intention to mandate pre-load declaration filings. However, no confirmed timelines for its actual implementation have yet been provided. • Border Force expects that when a mandating window is confirmed, it will be a soft launch, followed by a lengthy compliance period for industry to ensure a sufficient deployment window to allow data filers to make adequate preparations to conform. During this initial phase there is no expectation of penalties or fines. BIFA will continue to liaise with Border Force and monitor development of UK PreDICT, and will advise Members as information becomes available.

M any Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regimes now exist around the world, introduced in support of better targeting of high-risk goods and, as a by-product, facilitate legitimate trade through the reduction of unnecessary examination. The UK has been affected by the introduction of such regimes (for instance ICS2) in recent times. The UK’s Pre-Load Data Informed Cargo Targeting (PreDICT) seeks to implement similar security regimes for the UK. Ongoing issues BIFA has been advised by UK Border Force that there is no confirmed date for mandating UK PreDICT at this time, nor a go-live date due to issues that have been faced with the ongoing pilot system. As such, UK PreDICT is presently operating as a voluntary scheme pending mandating of the process. It is expected that the Freight Engagement and Data Acquisition Team (FEDAT) will reach out to the next group of carriers at the end of

2024 or start of 2025; this will be triggered by PreDICT two-way reaching a suitable point of development. Multiple/Dual filing: It is yet to be confirmed as to whether Multiple/Dual filing is in scope for the present pilot or is for future consideration. Current progress At the time of writing, UK PreDICT is progressing with a small group of carriers as Border Force works towards an improved service from the initial test pilot. The main points that BIFA Members should be aware of are: • The UK PreDICT Programme is to evaluate air shipments for threats to aviation security prior to loading at the last port of departure to the UK – very similar to other countries’ systems such as the US ACAS, EU ICS2 and Canada's PACT system. Please note that this does not include truck flight movements arriving at the UK by ferry or the Channel Tunnel. • PreDICT two-way messaging will align closely with those

“ It is expected that the Freight Engagement and Data Acquisition Team (FEDAT) will reach out to carriers at the end of 2024 or start of 2025 the next group of

September 2024 | 19

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