BIFAlink September 2024


BIFAlink TV launch boosts Member bene fi ts BIFA’s YouTube channel sees subscribers double with launch of ‘daily dose’ of freight forwarding information “ The existing

J uly saw BIFA launch its new communications channel, BIFAlink TV, which as reported in July’s BIFAlink magazine provides a daily dose of information to BIFA Members. The aim is to update Members on issues that impact the day-to-day operation, plus raise awareness of the services that BIFA has available to ensure that they gain maximum benefit from their membership. The existing YouTube channel, used previously to host highlights from the BIFA Awards, has since doubled in subscribers and continues to grow. At the time of going to print, over 40 episodes had been released. Amongst the variety of topics discussed, episodes relating to policy and compliance have proved to be very popular, alongside our series of industry news updates entitled ‘What the Papers Say’. The ongoing project of cleaning up the BIFA database is progressing well and we encourage Members to support that by ensuring that their

YouTube channel, used previously to host highlights from the BIFA Awards, has since doubled in subscribers and continues to grow

details and contact preferences are maintained using the online Member Portal, accessible via To ensure that communications remain relevant and useful, Members are welcome to contact the communications team by emailing with any feedback and suggestions for future episodes. To access BIFALink TV, plus stay

up to date on all things BIFA, you will need to be signed up to the mailing list. If you are a current Member but do not receive any emails from us, please email to be subscribed to our content. You will also automatically receive access to the Member Portal. Visit the BIFAlink TV YouTube channel by scanning the QR code on this page.

8 | September 2024

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