Go Vita: Nurturing Your Mind & Emotions Guide



Staying Connected

Regularly connecting with family and friends is crucial for emotional support and mental health. Despite busy schedules, prioritising these relationships can make a significant difference in wellbeing.

Effective Strategies for Discussing Mental Health:

Choose the Right Moment: Engage in conversations when both parties are relaxed, such as during a walk or a meal, to ensure a comfortable environment. Listen Actively: Demonstrate your presence and willingness to listen without judgment. Maintain eye contact and respond thoughtfully to convey engagement. Express Concerns Gently: Communicate your worries with sensitivity, using "I" statements like, "I've noticed you've seemed a bit down lately, and I'm here if you want to talk.”

Offer Support: Be there for them and offer help in finding professional resources or support groups if needed.

Follow Up: Continue to show your care and support by checking in after your initial conversation, which reinforces your commitment to their wellbeing.

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