Successful Strategies For Teaching AAC Commu…

retrieval but also helps students see that sentence structure, grammatical forms, and language concepts are all related to overall language development. We have the students participate in two different hands- on activities, both core word-first and activity-first, to practice aided language input using both core boards and high-tech AAC devices. We provide a number of core-word language kits, which include a book that has a predominant core word along with an activity that also provides opportunities to model the same core word. Working in pairs, the students practice reading and modelling the core word using the book and the activity. See Video 1.

combine words, we help them move beyond basic expressions to convey richer and more detailed thoughts and feelings. This progression is essential for their overall language development and for fostering more meaningful interactions with others. To help our EA students understand how to do this, we engage in targeted activities designed to build and expand on existing language skills. One of the key strategies involves modelling one word above an AAC communicator’s current level. We provide our EA students with a single core word, and as small groups they generate a list of both 2- and 3-word phrases built upon that single word. Our students are encouraged to explore words from various parts of speech, such verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and so forth - this helps them see how words can be put together to form more complex and specific messages: “happy dog” or “want pink juice”. This exercise is structured to be both engaging and educational, providing a collaborative environment where students can learn from each other and from the models we provide. Once students have generated their lists, they are encouraged to practice them on an AAC device. In this way, they see how they can gradually become more comfortable and proficient in using an AAC system to model communication! See image 7. MINIMIZING QUESTIONS We understand the critical importance of making communication through AAC feel natural and engaging, rather than like a test. When communication feels like an assessment, it can create pressure and anxiety, which can hinder the learning process and discourage students from using their AAC devices. To foster a more relaxed and positive communication environment, we strive to integrate language use seamlessly into everyday interactions rather than a testing environment. Unless they are explicitly taught otherwise, it’s a natural Video 2: After watching a video of a play-based activity, the students are required to generate a list of words that they could model on the student’s AAC system while engaging in the activity. They enter their word lists into Mentimeter to share with the entire group. -

The activity-first task requires the students to watch a silent video of play with specific toys. While watching the video, they generate a list of words from their AAC vocabulary that they could model during that activity. We use the website www. which allows the students to enter their word lists online, thus creating a word cloud so they can see the variety of words that they could model. Once they understand how to model words across literacy, games, and play activities, they are given the opportunity to watch the videos a second time and model using their AAC vocabulary while watching. The instructors model as well to demonstrate the variety of language functions that should be included in language instruction for AAC communicators. These activities allow the students to explore the systems, understand motor planning, and how to plan for device implementation. See Video 2. INCREASING LANGUAGE COMPLEXITY Increasing language complexity for AAC communicators is crucial, as it empowers them to form more complete and nuanced messages. By progressively enhancing their ability to Video 1: Here are a variety of core word book/activity kits that the Educational Students use to practice modelling on the devices and the students practicing with them in their small groups -

8 | August / September, 2024 Closing The Gap © 2024 Closing The Gap, Inc. All rights reserved.


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