The Despatch Christmas Edition 2023

THE despatch CHRISTMAS 2023

Where ’ s the Protein? Bring Back DFC*!

Boys without energy is a new sight in the classrooms and playground and

everyone wants to know why. The answer is clear, writes Cillian

Norris: we are lacking protein and we are being deprived of our main

source. And that is DFC!

According to a recent and highly scientific poll, all of 7R and the entire

team here at the Despatch, want DFC back on our lunch trays. Surely DFC

is unhealthy we hear you cry? But no! DFC is a good source of protein and

it is fair to say, one of the most delicious items on the menu. Since the

school knows how much we enjoy it, why is it gone? Why is our most

essential living resource being removed from us? For some unknown

reason, adults think DFC is bad for you! One adult said, “ When I was at

school, all I had to eat were pencils, but I wouldn ’ t eat DFC! ” we don ’ t

know what could have possibly happened to make this happen but our

message is this. BRING BACK DFC

*To avoid confusion, we are referring to

the Dulwich version of the popular High

Street chicken chain, KFC


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