King's Business - 1920-10

EX C E L L EN T C O U R S E FOR BEGINNERS BY CORRESPONDENCE B B B A Minister W rites: “ I think the new Correspondence Course on Book Study by Mr. Pike is the best course of Bible study for beginners that 1 have ever seen and that it is a good course for anyone who has not a comprehensive view of the Bible. The facts are so systematically arranged that it should not be hard to memorize them.** This is one o f five strong C orresp ond en ce Courses offered b y the B ible Institute o f L os A ng eles Write for information about Correspondence study to SECRETARY CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope St. WE WAN T 5 0 0 CThe Great ÌSieed of the World At the present time is. trained Christian workers who stand for definite things. Hundreds are going into various kinds of SOCIAL SERVICE— let those who believe in God’s program now give their lives to HIS SERVICE.


The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is a great Training Camp, founded on thè ÒLD BOOK.. Recruiting Office, Room 211, D. L. Foster, Secy. 536 S. Hope Street., Los Angeles, Cal. 1 5 0 0

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