King's Business - 1920-10


THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S Association and the National Association of Dancing Masters, who had petitioned the Conference to let down the bars on sinful amusements, an­ nounced in the papers that they were through with the.'Methodist Church. It will probably be a great blow to the church, but, anyway, PRAISE TEÎE LORD ! —K. L. B. v c'- - splrs SÉ ÉÈ MÊ IS THIS the Time? Sir Isaac Newton made the following prediction: “ About the time of the end in all probability a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies and insist upon their literal interpretation amid much clamor and opposition.” Let us see if the present time, the time in which we are now living, in any way fulfills this prediction. A large body of men have been raised up during the last twenty-five years, ihereasing in number since the breaking out of the war, who have been giving special attention to prophetic truth and insisting upon the literal fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old and Nèw Testament. Among these men have been many of the leading exegetes in this land and Great Britain. These men have been devoted Bible students who have been reinforced by the teaching of the Fathers of the Church. There is nothing remarkable in the fact that they have believed the Scriptures to be the Word of God, every jot and tittle, being Bible students; but it is remarkable that they have given themselves to Bible study, in an age when the whole trend has been in opposition to Bible study, and when the schools and universities have discounted Bible study, and especially the prophetic truths of the Bible. This body of men have been able to arouse such an interest in the prophetic portion of the Word of God that the deniers of that Word have been alarmed and wherever these men have gone through­ out the land, great audiences have gathered and listened with rapt interest to their expositions and thousands of the people have awakened to a new interest in the matchless Word of God. There has never been, in the history of the evangelical church, such interest in prophecy as at this time. Great conferences have been and are being held in every section of our land and Sir Isaac’s prediction concerning its effect has also come to pass, “ Clamor and opposition.” Professors, preachers and church politicians are excited over it. Religious newspapers are sounding the alarm ; fear-possessed, they are calling upon the people to beware of these upstarts who dare to question the teaching of the schools and dare to predict the fulfillment of the Word of God. The very idea, just when the dear people were being trained to be­ lieve what the leaders taught them and were becoming willing tools of their schemes for eliminating all faith in the inerrancy of the Word; to think that any set of men should have the audacity to create a dissension in the'ranks and rally thousands of God’s dear children around the dear old Bible. .But it has come to pass and for that we thank God and predict that Sir Isaac Newton’s prophecy will have a larger realization as the days go by, should our Lord- tarry. The clamor and opposition, will intensify as the ranks are broken and a great multitude of men and women with Bible in hand will march in solid phalanx before the Lord and to the confusion of the false preachers and teachers and prophets, and let all of the saints say, “ Amen!” —T. C. H.

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