King's Business - 1920-10

Tke League of Nations

A n a Propkecy’s Program Its Place in Scripture, Its Necessity in tke • World, and Its Outcome By DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER

3E rulers o f,the Kingdoms and Republics, the friends and ene­ mies of the League of Nations, fail to realize that the program of Almighty God must be car­ ried out; and the present unrest

Theocracy, that is. the world ruled by the Creator, and every man a loyal loving obedient subject! Man’s failure to obey the laws of God, brought upon the race swift judgments, and every dispensation from the first one of innocence in the Gar­ den of Eden has ended in judgment, and the present dispensation of the Grace of God will end in “Judgment and fiery in­ dignation,” according to the Scriptures. The stages of human government are degenerative according to history, instead of evolutionary and progressive, as athe­ ists and apostates affirm. The image de­ scribed by Daniel had a head of gold, his breast and arms o f ‘silver, his belly and thighs of brass, his legs of Iron, his ieet, part of iron and part of brittle clay. This as you can see is a process of de­ cay, and if you know anything about his­ tory you are aware of the fact that the history of nations from the great Babylon­ ian Empire to the present moment has been a blood-red blot on the pages of man’s endeavor to govern himself, and reject the rulership of God in his affairs of state and home and personal life. History runs as follows: The head of gold—the Babylonian Em­ pire, ruling the world for a period of sixty-six years. The breast, and arms of silver—the Medo-Persian Empire, ruling the world for a period of two hundred and seven years. The belly and thighs of brass—the Grecian Empire, ruling the world for a period of three hundred years. It is sig­ nificant to notice that what the literati

and the unprecedented tidal wave of law­ lessness and near-nihilism will continue so long as the present contempt is shown by the nations for the laws of God. You cannot legislate honor, integrity, purity or world-wide peace into the human race. So long as men count their vows to God as “scraps of paper” just so long will nations continue to break their treaties and resort to war to settle their differ­ ences of opinion and territorial bound­ aries. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar which he could not recall, but which the Prophet Daniel had revealed to him, in answer to prayer, contains the exact schedule of the governmental affairs of this world from that time until the present moment, and history proves that every line of the vision has become current fact in the rise and fall of nations, dynasties and king­ doms. The second chapter of Daniel gives a detailed account of the Gentile world system, beginning with the thirty- first verse and continuing to the forty- sixth verse. Babylon was the first world empire, and Nebuchadnezzar was, from the hu­ man standpoint, the ideal ruler.. That is: he. had unlimited power, and.that is the burning passion in the heart of the average-ruler. The ideal form of govern­ ment from the Bible standpoint is the

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