King's Business - 1920-10

THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S of nations call “ the golden age of Greece,” God Almighty calls “ Brass” ! The legs of iron—the fourth world-em­ pire, you recognize as the great mil­ itary Roman Empire which conquered Greece thirty-one years before Christ, and the iron or military spirit of the Roman Empire has projected itself down the cen­ turies for nineteen hundred and' fifty-one years, and the. last thing seen in the image is the insane effort of humanity to mix iron and clay, as the picture closes with the words: “His feet part of iron and part of clay.” The toes of the feet indicate the' federation of ten kingdoms or nations which now occupy the terri­ tory which composed the ancient Roman Empire. These nations are in certain in­ stances in the process of formation, but let it be clearly understood: so far as human government is concerned, we have reached the stage of the mixture of iron and brittle clay. You may form a beau­ tiful looking structure put of clay and iron, and have the artists decorate it with the verbiage of dreamers and poets, but when an internal convulsion begins the iron and brittle clay cannot cleave together! The League of Nations is com­ posed of iron and clay, and the man who thinks it can do away with war is to be. pitied, and must not be taken seriously. God’s challenge to the League of Nations is found in the forty-third verse of the second chapter of Daniel: “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with brittle clay, they shall mingle them­ selves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” A League of Nations is a grim necessity for Europe! The convulsion which was experienced by the great world war, superinduced by the aspirations of world dominion, on the part of the criminal German military machine,, aided and abetted by Mr. Bill Hohenzollern, now of Holland, former “ All Lord, and Kaiser,” also of the firm—(self-organized, to be sure) : ' “Me und Gott,” has so


frightfully weakened the nations of Eu­ rope, that they must “hang together, or hang separately” ; but this nation has no more business in European politics than you have in my hen-house! Internatipnal- ism, of which we have heard much in certain labor circles, and certain socialis­ tic, communistic, Bolshevistic and nihilis­ tic circles, demands an International Ruler! He must be a Superman. The Kaiser thought he was that man, and since the Kaiser’s bubble blew up, I am greatly afraid that the man from Amer­ ica who took an international joy-ride, thought he was that man. The man who Will finally dominate the World League of Nations will be the Politico-Beast de­ scribed in Daniel, and in the Book of Revelation. He is the Anti-Christ ¡'With a few more, convulsions, the iron and clay governments will have to be dominated by a ruler elected by the seed of men, or the vote of the people; We are nearer the collapse of the present governmental system than the people are aware of. May God awaken you today! The unrest will continue until the Jews are back at home in Palestine. Every pogrom in Poland or Russia or any other part of the world only sharpens the desire on the part of the Jews for a swift return to their homeland. They are going! The Zionist movement is no idle dream, and it is no real estate boom in- Palestine. God promised centuries be­ fore Christ that He would cause the cap­ tivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them as at the first. ( Jer. 33:7) .■Gentile dominion over Palestine is practically over. The fiend­ ish Turk was chased out and Jerusalem was taken without a gun having , been fired upon or in the city! This was the work of God! The Turks during the days of the Crusaders coined assaying: “The Christians will take Jerusalem when the river Nile flows into Palestine.” That meant that they would never take Jeru­ salem. God heard the challenge of the Turks, and the only good thing I have

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