King's Business - 1920-10



salem, called the heart of the earth, will ride down the shining highway, back to this earth again, where He will be re­ ceived as the glorious King by His peo­ ple. I detest the idea advanced by some people that Jesus was an ordinary man, that the Holy Spirit came upon Him at His baptism and left Him at the cross. Listen to these words, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, Which is and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” The human family is as changeable as the March wind but we have one changeless man, the Godman, Christ. His love is universal and eternal. All men look alike to Him. He is with­ out respect of persons. Finally, His untiring work of miracles is a proof of His deity. Come on, ye blind and receive sight; come on, ye deaf and hear; come on, ye lame and walk; come on, ye lepers and be cleansed; come on, ye filled with devils and have them cast out; come on, ye in your funeral march with your dead and have them raised again; roll ye back the stone from the grave and He will call your loved ones up. Brethren, I believe these truths. The word of God is infallible. “Heaven and earth shall pass away but ‘my word shall not pass away.” The Bible is a pure gold mine. By it the streets of gold were paved in heaven. By it the foundation for the jasper wall was laid. By it the gates of pearl were hung on their gold hinges. By it on either side of the river was the tree of life planted. By it the river of life gushed from under the great white throne. Burn every copy of this book and yet it will live; the sun would shine it; the stars would twinkle it; the moon would reflect it. Blot out all these, would it still live? Yes, It is written on gold paved streets, on jasper walls, it sparkles on the river of life, and blossoms on the tree of life. Destroy all these, would it live? Yes, it is planted in the heart of

great and shall be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord shall give unto Him the throne of David, his father, and be shall reign forever over the house of Jacob and of His kingdom there shall be ho end” (Luke 1:31-32). Once more, His love is a grand proof of His deity. “He so loved the world, that-he laid down his life for the world.” He tasted death for every man, He died in your stead and mine that we might escape death and hell. Love moved Him to come to us when we were helpless and lost. He breathed His first breath in the manger of love. He breathed His last breath on the cross in love. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Love brought Him into the world, love took Him back to the Father and love will bring Him back for His church. Love will lift His people to meet Him in the air. Our hope of a glorious resurrection and immortality hinges on the deity of the Son of God. His deity sparkles like the river of life in .unchangeableness. I like to think of the immortality of our Christ. “Jesús Christ the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). Thank God there is an unchangeable stream of life that flows from the fountain of all life, Jesus. There are three empires of truth, the spiritual, the intellectual and the moral, and their perfection is found alone in the deity of Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus is the Godhead’s greatest miracle; -great is the mystery of Godliness. He is God manifest in the flesh. He is very God co­ eternal, co-equal in every attribute with God. He will one day be King of all the earth, King supreme. As He sits in the cabinet council, as King of heaven, so will He sit on His royal throne King of the earth, sea and sky. The strong men in the faith of God are those who believe in the supernatural birth of Jesus, our Lord. They also believe that the little babe bom of the virgin Mary who grew up into manhood and who rode into Jeru­

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