King's Business - 1920-10

Tke Work of tke Holj)

Spirit in Hunan, Ckina

A Remarkable Account o f the Bible Institute Work in China Under DR. FRANK A. KELLER

sembled teachers and led to an eager in­ vestigation of the Gospel. At Lung-Hwei Shih the work really be­ gan among the soldiers and surpassed all our thoughts. Once started there was a steady stream of enquirers, and they were not only enquiring but were making prog­ ress daily; it seemed like the grass and flowers in springtime, we could really see them grow. Persecution did not weaken their determination, and their zeal in wit­ nessing for Christ was so great that' it seemed as though all the soldiers in the camp might be led to faith in Christ. Then the military situation became very serious (these were Northern soldiers and word had come that the South was once more advancing in large fo rce ); for four or five nights they scarcely slept but were con­ stantly on guard, and during the day they had two drills, three roll calls and one general assembly each day. They could only get away from camp for a half hour at a time. .These difficulties did not cause them to lose interest, but rather seemed to greatly increase their enthusiasm. As they could no longer come in a Jbody to our headquarters they would come by ones and twos from early in the morning throughout the day as they had oppor­ tunity. They came to us with their Testa­ ments in their hands, either *asking us to explain something to them, or to help them in prayer. They not only came them­ selves but brought many of the local civilian residents with them to hear the Gospel. Whenever we went up to their mountain camp we found them either studying their Testaments or talking to­ gether about the Gospel. One day an of­ ficer passed by as a soldier was studying his Testament; the soldier showed the Tes­ tament to the officer and earnestly pressed the officer to believe.“ (A few day8 after the above was writ­ ten the Northern soldiers were driven from their position by the South, They passed through Changsha in their retreat and in spite of their rush one of these young con­ verts hunted me up in this big city, brought a card of introduction from Mr.

“ T h e F o u n t a i n o f A l l V i r t u e is J e s u s -C h r i s t ” HESE true and fundamental words become actually thrilling when spoken by the Dean of a large Chinese Government School» himself a heathen only a few short weeks ago» before our Biola Evangelistic Band No. 1 went into his district with their life-giving message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The Dean was speaking to the stu­ dents of his school who had been sum­ moned to the main hall to welcome our evangelists to their school» and to hear from them the “Wonderful words of life.'* The story of the work at Kwang-Kia Pu and the neighboring Lung-wei Shih is one of the most stirring, records we have had since this work was started ten years ago. We will let Mr. Cheng, leader of Band No. 1, tell it in his own words. He writes:—* “ At Kwang-Kia Pu the work is just alive and full of power, and God is calling out His own chosen ones. Many have been moved by the Gospel, but the case that gives us the greatest joy is that of Mr. Peng Shuh-Chih, a young man of 26 years. He is the most influential scholar of this en­ tire district. He was formerly a teacher hère, then took a college course at Peking, has now returned and is most highly es­ teemed by all. Mr. Peng is a keen student and when we called at his home, talked with him and gave him some books he began at once to make a thorough study of the Gospel. Later he said that every doubt was cleared away and that he was fully determined to accept and believe the Gospel. In this district there are forty-four government schools of different grades. Mr. Peng at­ tended an educational meeting at which most of these schools were represented and took advantage of this fine opportunity to publicly declare his faith in Jesus Christ. His address deeply moved the as­

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