King's Business - 1920-10


THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S all its simplicity, found a ready en­ trance and, secure under the precious blood, the Word gave him assurance, and he too, went on his way rejoicing to tell others of his new found joy. That same day we were happy in lead­ ing a little lad to Jesus, just waiting, with' heart responsive, for some one to show him the way; a clean Sunday School boy, but his Sunday School teacher, so much occupied in explain­ ing the lesson, had never definitely brought the lad face to face with eter­ nal realities and presented Christ for his acceptance. Here’s the Place ta Pish Biola Hall is by far the best fishing pool we have ever encountered. A con­ stant stream of men, all classes and conditions for whom our Lord died, pass to and fro; and never a day passes but that God is giving us gracious man­ ifestations of His blessing upon the printed and verbal message. They come to Biola, young and old, all shades, classes and conditions, and still there is room. Oh! to take the grace He so freely offers, walking close in these perilous days, bearing constant testimony to His saving 'grace, “ All things to all men to win some.’’ DAVID CANT. ate ate Since the departure of Brother Reyn­ olds and his party for evangelistic work in the North and the close of the school during the summer months, the work of the shops has of necessity not been so actively carried on. Opportunities have been afforded us in personal work, however, and after all has been said, this is the most promising and profit­ able service anyone can render In the Master’s service. One good fisher of men, who is always on the lookout for* good fishing pools, came to us recently, saying; “Would you like to win a soul for Christ? Then, come along with me.” We were surprised to find the fish a fine young fellow who had slipped the hook on us only a few weeks ago at the Fishermen Club. But this time we managed to get him where there was no possibility to escape.. Little by little the struggle became less fierce, and as we applied the sharp and piercing sword of the Spirit, the last faint protest was stilled, and the fish SHOP WORK Fishing For Men

brought safely to land. It certainly was a great joy, not only to point him to our loving Savior, but a greater one, to hear the strong “ I will,” and to know there was great joy in the pres­ ence of the -angels over another sin­ ner that repented. The refreshment to our souls was deepened when al­ most the first cry was for the brother who was lying ill in the hospital. The next day we visited the brother, a fine sailor lad, and told him the step his brother had taken the day before, ask­ ing him if he didn’t consider that a fine thing to do. He thought it surely was. We were not slow to follow up this advantage with a “ Go, thou, and do likewise." We had a splendid ad­ vantage, for this fish was indeed help­ less, with no possible chance to get away, and as we pressed upon him the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ we could feel the tug and realize some­ thing of the struggle going on. With the wisdom which cometh alone from above, we began playing out the line, till the Spirit gently whispered, “ Now begin drawing in,” and trembling in anticipation of a catch, we lifted up our hearts to God, and soon had the joy of seeing him resting ONLY in the finished work of Christ. As we walked away from that hospital we were as happy as though we had been saved over again, and as day by day we vis­ ited him till he was released, a con­ stant note of praise and thanksgiving went up for the salvation of these two brothers, all within twenty-four hours of each other. “ Follow ME and I will make you to become fishers of men.” Matt. 4-19. D. T. CANT. M Éé SPANISH DEPARTMENT What a Tract Did. Several weeks ago a letter from a Mexican was handed to us by the Biola Book Store for translation. In read- , Ing the letter we learned that it was from an inquirer wlio wished to know the way of salvation. He also requested that we might send him a New Testa­ ment and some literature that he-might know how to be saved. We immediate­ ly answered his inquiry, making known the way of salvation and sent him some literature. In a week or so we received an answer in which this Mexican was profuse in his gratitude for having made the way of salvation plain to

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