King's Business - 1920-10

Tke Ckosen People,Tke Land and 4\e Book

Jews, which they wish to keep out o f the civil courts. The court is com­ posed of twenty-four members: six members of the judiciary of Greater New York, six rabbis, and twelve law­ yers and merchants versed in . the ancient laws and customs of the Jewish people. The procedure of the court will follow the old Mosaic law as far as possible. The experiment will be watched with interest both by Jews and non-Jews. Purpose in World War “ The fulfillment of Zionist hopes," says Mr. Chalmers, “ means that God is alive today. Even though the Jews are * still in blindness, and though they still refuse Jesus the Nazarene as Messiah and Lord, God’s hand is seen in open­ ing the way for this return to Palestine. God’s greatest purpose in the world war was to shake Palestine free from the grip of the Turk. He had other great purposes, but this was foremost. Without God, the God the Zionists have ignored, the God they refuse to worship in Christ, these disobedient Jews would have no liberty to return to their own land. .^This new freedom means that Jehovah is alive and at work for Israel. All believers ought to rejoice in this fresh evidence of the interest of God in men.” What About the Turks? Mr. Gaebelein says: "A legend in the East was that the Turkish Empire would endure until the River Nile flows into Palestine, meaning the em­ pire would never end. But it has come to pass, for the English army laid water pipes through the desert and brought the water of the Nile into Pal­ estine,”

Giving Their Jewels Enthused by the action of the Supreme Council in establishing the Jewish homeland, the Jews of Palestine are said to be stripping themselves of their possessions for a redemption fund which is to be used for building public works. Pro-Jerusalem Society A tendency to modernize Jerusalem has given rise to an organization whose object is to preserve the character of the city. This body is known as the Pro-Jerusalem Society. Control of Immigration Immigration will be controlled by a Jewish body on which the British gov­ ernment is represented. It is said Palestine can accommodate 6,000,000 Jews. It is planned to build 5,000 houses at once and proceed as rapidly as possible with developing vast unculti­ vated spaces of country. War Orphans Baron Rothschild has proposed a plan for transporting the 25,000 war orphans of Eastern Galicia to Pal­ estine. Their condition is bitter in the extreme, and the Baron promises to give his fullest support to this project, which will give these orphans an oppor­ tunity to grow back to health, as well as work on the Jewish farms, which will afford them enough funds m time to acquire holdings of their own in Palestine. Trying Mosaic Law An interesting experiment is being tried in New York city, with the sanc­ tion. of the city authorities, in the estab­ lishment of a Jewish Court of Arbitra­ tion for the consideration and settle­ ment of disputes and difficulties among

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