King's Business - 1920-10

Tke O ld Paganism

Again Being Restored

Remarkable Words Taken from a Letter Written to a Missionary, fcr? a Well KnovJn Author DR. G. H. PEMBER

5 are, apparently, In the first stages of that final apostasy out of which the Anti-Christ will spring. If this be so, true Christians must expect to feel their isolation more and more.

his destiny, and even the dates of the principal events in his life, in the marks and lines upon his hand. Attempts are, indeed, often made to distinguish between the two names of the last mentioned “ science,” and to make out that Palmistry is merely the knowledge of what marks, lines, etc., in­ dicate various abilities, dispositions, and tendencies, and is, therefore, quite innocent and harmless and that only Chiromancy, or Divination by the hand, is objectionable. But how is one to keep these two de­ partments of the same science separate and distinct? If but a moderately in­ telligent person should learn to believe in Palmistry, would he be likely to do so without inquiring why such and such marks should signify such and such things? Would he not notice the as­ trological character of the names given to protuberances, lines, etc., on the hand—Mount of Mars, Mount of Venus, Line of Saturn, and so on, and would he not inquire what these names mean? Then there would be nothing for it but to confess to him that the said protub­ erances and lines were so named be­ cause they were understood to have been formed, at the time of birth, by the influence of the stars under which the man was born; and that it was by a calculation from the position of those stars at the natal hour and a knowl­ edge of their influence that the result was obtained. Thus Palmistry consists of easy first lessons in Chiromancy, and the latter is merely a department of Astrology. And if any one begins to dabble in these

We shall begin to understand those words of the Master: “ And many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray. And because lawlessness shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold, but he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.” (R. V . ) Satan is gradually and imperceptibly weaving his net around the nations; he is transmuting the insincere Christian­ ity of our days into the original and avowed Paganism of ancient times. Now the central aim of all Paganism is to draw men, by whatever means, away from God. Hence Spiritualism of­ fers them guidance, counsel, foreknowl­ edge, knowledge of the past, and heal­ ing from the spirits or demons of the air. Theosophy teaches them that they must be purified and made immortal, and ultimately, divine by their own un­ aided self-denial, sufferings, and experi­ ence, during many earth-lives. “ Christian Science” imputes all power to the mind of man, which is, in­ deed, all that it means when it speaks of God. Astrology points to the influence of the stars as the course of all that hap­ pens here below. And Palmistry, or Chiromancy as i t . is called when fully developed, asserts that man may discover his own nature,

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