950 all the stars. By this we are, no doubt, to understand that the sun, moon, plan ets and other stars were worshipped in conjunction with the Zodiac, and that with this were connected astrology, au gury, and the casting of nativities.'’ There are many signs that the old Paganism is being partially restored, through the ceaseless communications which are being kept up with the spir its of the air.. The worship of Apollo has been revived in Italy by the fol lowers of Carducci and others, and there is a tendency to identify him with Satan, who, a short time ago, was openly adored in Paris, and was said to have temples in Brighton and at the back of Oxford Street in London. This need not astonish us, for with Revelation 13:3, 4 before us, we know that the world must come to it at last, and we seem to be drawing very near to the last. Let us, then, avoid everything that is Pkely to lead us away from the great God and from His Son, our Lord Jesus „Christ, “ who loved us and gave Him self for us;” and let us pray always that our communion with Him may be sus tained in the Spirit, and we may thus be kept from the perilous times of the last days in which we now are. A MARRIAGE IN JAMES 2 The second chapter of the Epistle by James seems, to my mind, to describe a spiritual wedding. We are “ bidden to a marriage” ; and, as at the older marriage in Gana of Galilee, the holy Master is present and consummates the nuptials. The parties to be united are but symbolic personages, and yet are real and life-like, too. The bride is young and beautiful— ever young, and* ever clothed upon with light as with a garment. Her face is clear as day;'her look is firm, and yet trustful. She’ is not of the earth, but heaven-born, and wears her celestial parentage in every lineament of her
THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S radiant countenance. Her name is “ Faith.” She is the daughter of God. And beside her stands one whose lusty form was made for deeds of daring and endurance. He is sinewy and ath letic. There is valor in his eye, and “ cunning in his ten fingers,” and strength in his right arm. He was created to act, to do, to suffer. He was formed for strife and struggle. His name is "Action.” With solemn rites the two are joined in wedlock. They are both to love, and both to obey. They are always to live and move and suffer and conquer together. They are to be the fruitful parents of every thing good on earth. On them, while united, Jehovah pronounces a “ blessing” richer than that which glad dened the nuptials of Isaac and Rebekah, or of Jacob and Leah. While united, they are to live and grow and conquer; when separated, they are to droop and perish. For each other, and in each other, and with each other, their days of struggle and victory are to be passed, until time shall be no longer. And so “ faith” and “ works” were coupled by infinite Wisdom; and in the presence of the world it was solemnly announced, “ What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” - - ^ . L. Cuyler. THE ENDURING BOOK A couple of infidels were standing together on the deck of a vessel as she sailed past a desolate island of the sea. One said to the other, “ Suppose you were condemned to live upon that island alone, and had the choice of but one book for your companion, wllat book of all books would you choose?” The other replied, “ I would select Shakespeare because of the variety of his themes.” “Well,” rejoined the other, “ although I do not believe the Bible, yet I would choose it for my companion; for the Bible Is an endless book.”—-Caughey.
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