THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S full of uncleanness and dead men’s bones. The little foxes spoiled the vines, for our vines had tender grapes. Fret fulness, peevishness and temper broke forth at the slightest provocation to re mind us that our hearts were like a cage of unclean birds. It is not in the natural man to see or know the real evil which is in his own heart, and even what he does see he cannot undo. Suppression is like sitting on a slumbering volcano which may burst forth at any moment. The flesh does not cast out the flesh. (John 3.7). It is not Eradication While many are immediately and graciously delivered from powerful temptation, as for instance the drink habit, and are never strongly tempted again, others have to resist temptation. We are all conscious that while still in the flesh we are walking in the midst of possible defilement, and even those who walk in sweet places of fellowship and holiness with their Lord, may grow careless, may sin, or may lapse into the flesh-life. If sin were eradicated this could not. be, and we should not thén need our loving High Priest who lives to be a Mediator for those who may fall into sin after they are saved. (I John 2.1-2.) If eradication of sins were ours we would have no need to confess sins (1 John 1 :9), no need to resist the devil, for his power would be utterly destroyed and no blessing would come to us for' enduring temptation. (James, 1 : 12 ). If then, victory is not in suppression and is not in eradication where is the place which God hath given man where he can “ fight the good fight of faith” in joy, victory and overcoming power? The secret of righteousness, of holi ness, of victory is The Indwelling Christ, who Himself becomes our surety, our overcoming power. „ “ Of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom and
The Revelation of the Lord and His Holiness made David to cry out.— “ Pufge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.” Our Lord uses small vessels, but He seeks clean vessels. “ Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.” Who of us would drink from an un washed cup? I shall weep, I shall pray, I shall never be silent until I know that my cry has been heard in Heaven,—-Luther. But is there not a way of escape from the bondage, the htralldom of sin? Hath not God said “ sin shall not have domin ion” over those who are. under grace? (Rom. 6.14.) Did not Paul thank God through Jesus Christ for deliverance? (Rom. 7.25.) Have we not been prom ised a cleansing from all unrighteous ness, as well as forgiveness for sins? (I John I. 9.) “ Is there a way of deliverance from the power of sin? If so, how does it come?” . - It is not by Suppression Well do we remember the painful ex periences passed through after we be came Christians, in our endeavors to live a life pleasing to God and to walk in holiness with Him. We know by sad experience what it means to seek to suppress evil. “When we would do good, evil was present” within us and what we would, that we did not, but what we hated, that we did. There was a “ law of sin” which warred against us and brought us into captivity again and again. (Rom. 7.) What struggles in our souls as we tried to keep sin down, prayed and agonized over it. It was like a tiger caged waiting for tempta tion to rouse it up; like a man possessed with demons, whose name is “ Legion.” At the time we seemed outwardly good, within us there were hidden fires of temper, passion, lust and pride ready to break out again and again, scatter ing desolation around. We were like whitened sepulchers, fair, polished and symmetrical on the outside, but within,
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