King's Business - 1920-10



they gave to Jesus, and in this way they showed their love for Him and that they believed God’s word that told them that one day God was going to send Jesus down to earth, and because they believed with their hearts and loved Jesus, they gave costly gifts to Him, and worshipped Him. Now what does it mean to worship Jesu's? We worship Him when we pray to Him and praise Him and really mean it from our hearts. If we truly love Jesus we will love to come to Sunday School where we hear about Jesus, for you know we love to hear more and more about people we love. We worship Him when we-sing our songs here in Sunday School. When we love any one we just love to give them something, and Jesus wants gifts from us now, and who can tell me the very best gift we can give Him, and it is something each one of us can give Him? Yes we .can give ourselves to Him and that is just the gift He wants most of all. To give ourselves to Him means we will love Him and do the things that are right and pleasing in His sight, and He sees everything we do. Our memory verse tells us how the wise men found Jesus. We saw His star in the East and are come to worship Him. Now we have something better than a star to show people how to find Jesus today; it is the Bible, God’s word, and it tells us that Jesus came to save us if we would believe in Him. How many of us today want to give themselves to Jesus and love and worship Him? (With older primary children this is a fine time to lead them to a definite acceptance of Jesus as their Saviour, providing the teacher has had this object in view right along, and the children know what it means.) Now if we just say with our lips that we give ourselves to Jesus and do not love Him in our hearts, it will not mean anything, and we will not be truly worshipping like the wise men. Now'' Jesus knows whether we really love Him for He can see right into our hearts.

today. These men were going to take a long trip to find a wonderful baby that they heard was born, and now let me see if' you can tell me the name of the automobile in which they rode. Each man had his own automobile, which would kneel down so his owner could get on. James says it was a camel, and he is right. The men were called wise men and we know it was a very important journey when they .were willing to travel so far, the journey taking them many days through desert and other dangerous parts of country. They carried with them very valuable gifts for the wonderful baby they were going to find. Prayer. Lesson Story: Now I know some of you can tell me who this wonderful baby was? Maybe you know too how the wise men knew which way to travel to the place where the baby was. Yes the wise men were guided by a bright star that .shone very brightly from the sky, and this star was different from the other stars, not only brighter, but it moved and as it moved along, the wise men followed until the star stopped oyer a little town by the name of Bethlehem, over a stable, a place where cows, sheep and horses are kept. Now this was a queer place to look for a baby, wasn’t it? The wise men got off from their camels, and went into the stable, and sure enough they found just the dear­ est little baby, and what kind of a crib do you think this baby was sleeping in? Yes, a manger which is a kind of box in which the feed is put for the cattle. Now the wise men heard that Jesus was coming to the world as a little baby, and that He .was going to save people from their sins, and they came all this very long journey to find Him so they could show their love for "Jesus. When we really want to find Jesus, God will al­ ways help us to find Him just as He helped the wise men to find Him long, long ago. Now they had brought with them lovely presents for Jesus which

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