King's Business - 1920-10



should catch men, and men should con­ stitute jewels in their crown. (1 Thess. 2:20).. It was a divine call to duty, to fol­ low in fellowship with their Lord in a service of sorrow and suffering, demand­ ing self-sacrifice and self-abasement. But it was to be a holy, helpful work in the doing of which their own souls were to be enlarged and enriched and their Master honored. Catching Men. In Luke 5:12 it reads, “ Thou shalt catch men.” The most wonderful work in the world is that of fishing for men. A careful study will show that the essentials needed in fishing for fish correspond exactly- to those needed for soul-saving. Here are a few of the requirements: (1) Knowledge: One must know the characteristics of the fish, their haunts and habits of life. This knowl­ edge can only be acquired by study. So we must know men. There are three sources of knowledge in the study of men: Yourself, your fellow men and the Word of God. The Bible is the most perfect delineator of the character of mankind. (2) Love for the Work: Fishing is work. It is often a recreation, but every real fisherman finds -fishing a la­ bor. For this reason and because it is often hard, tiresome and unsuccessful work, many people do not care for it. You must love the lost souls of men, or you will never be one of Christ’s true followers. If you are not - catching men, it is because you do not have the love of Christ in any large measure in your heart. Ponder this carefully, for it must be true. His love never changes. He loved and loves the lost. (Matt. 9:36). His love developed in you will compel you to love men (3) •Equipment. A fisherman needs a boat, bait, net, tackle—according to the kind of fish and the place of fish­ ing. We need to have the bait of the Bible. Some portions will do for some

evangel, telling the story of redeeming love. Jesus found them busy with their nets, and from their homely service called them to the highest honors in the kingdom. “ Follow Me.” Here speaks the King. He commands His disciples to follow Him. The seal of prophecy is upon Him. He has the right of command. He was born at the right time, (Dan. 2 :44 ); in the right place (M icah'5:2); brought out of Egypt (Hos. 11:1) ; reared in Nazareth (Judges 13 :5 ); a prophet (Isa. 9 :1-7); with the testi­ mony of Elijah (Matt. 4^1). “ Follow me” means “ Come behind me.” Jesus says first of all: “ Come unto Me.” They come for rest (Matt. 11:28). then for service (John 8:12). He goes ’ before as a shepherd, and they follow. (John 10:4). “ If any man serve me, let him follow me.” * * * “ If any man serve me, him ;i*rill my Father honor.” (John 12:26). Many follow Him with­ out serving Him. Multitudes followed Him because they saw the miracles which He did, (John 6 ;3). Over and over again the Gospel tells us that the multitudes followed Him, crowding upon Him, yet He had but few, true, dependent followers. Fishers of Men. “ Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The call is clear; the service is spe­ cific. They had fished in the waters of the sea, now they were to fish -in the sea of the world. They were to turn men from the old to the new. They were to take men alive. The call was to an unselfish life. They were to find the other man; as the Lord had sought and found them; as did Paul, who said, “ Be ye follow­ ers of me, even as I also follow Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). The call was to a help­ ful life. The waters of the world were full of men who needed so much to know of the rest that was to be found in Him. They were to be rewarded. They

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