Metrics Monthly Q3 | 22


Introducing: DeeJoop The problem of ‘double counting’ consumer credit files when using data from more than one bureau has been solved thanks to the introduction of a new solution from LendingMetrics.

Since 2010, LendingMetrics has been innovating and leading the market in credit risk decisioning software and data solutions. We have helped countless lenders to create and refine their credit risk strate - gies and we have done so with visibility

across the CRA spectrum. This places LendingMetrics in the unique position to identify challenges faced by our customers and to develop solutions to those challenges. Our teams of analysts and architects have, since around mid 2020, been

researching and designing the solution to the multi-bureau conundrum and we are delighted to introduce the result, DeeJoop. Find out more about the innovative new solution by watching our brand new video below!

10 | Metrics Monthly

Q3 | 2022

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